Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Marriage Ark

By: Melissa Baker

I have read that 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. 50%!! Literally half of the couples that vow to be together "until death do us part" end up throwing their marriage away. That statistic is truly heartbreaking to me. Marriage tends to be something people chose to end nowadays instead of putting in the work to fix it. Please don't misunderstand, I am not in any way judging those that have had a divorce. Sometimes, its unavoidable and out of our hands. But what if every couple had more resources at their disposal? What if they had another perspective? Maybe marriage counseling was not an option for some couples. Maybe they didn't think anything in the world could help their situation. Are you in this situation right now? What if I told you that there is help. There is hope! There is a book that can provide resources to have a lasting and forever marriage with your spouse! If you are in need of a little extra help in your marriage, look no further! In the Marriage Ark, Margaret Phillips puts things into perspective, and offers tools that you probably didn't know were available from a book. You will learn how to build intimacy, as well as dig into other topics and issues that may arise in marriage. The Marriage Ark will give you the building blocks for restoration and teach you how to love your spouse like God loves us. Marriage is not for the weak. It takes work. It takes mutual respect. It's not always easy but it will ALWAYS be worth it. Give your marriage a chance to survive the storms and grab a copy of the Marriage Ark TODAY!

About the book:

Married couples are an at-risk population. Thousands have been shipwrecked and did not survive. Of those that survived, not all are thriving by any means. Experts are now predicting a coming tsunami. The Marriage Ark is a definitive blueprint that can equip couples to build a vessel or examine their existing vessel that is capable of enduring high winds and lashing waves.

Through the story of Noah, enduring principles are found that provide vital elements for an intimate and lasting marriage. The tools for building the marriage ark, the pitch that holds the planks together, building intimacy in stressful times and conditions, and learning to appreciate the differences in our maleness and femaleness are a few of the topics addressed.

About the Author:

Margaret A. Phillips, M.S., holds a master's degree in clinical psychology. She is a clinical fellow in the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and has completed 30 years in private practice as a licensed Marital and Family Therapist. She lives in Nashville, TN with her husband where they enjoy their children and 13 grandchildren.

If you would like to experience The Marriage Ark for yourself, you can grab a copy here.

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