Monday, July 31, 2023

Unplugging and Recharging

Do you ever have a computer or electronic that just isn't working correctly. You try everything you can think of to make it work, all the troubleshooting techniques and you even google it, but still nothing. Then you finally give up and decide to unplug that device for the day. And when you eventually plug it back in, everything is working correctly like its brand new again. Well, sometimes, we ourselves need unplugging. We need to take a break from all the events, ballgames, and responsibilities in order to reboot and work efficiently again. By removing ourselves from certain things, we are able to take a step back, take a breath, and reconnect. We all need to unplug, even more nowadays than ever! We need to shut down all the complications in our lives, and clear out space for what really matters, in order to properly function. We also need to do a spiritual 'purge' to clear out all the junk and replace it with more Godly things. And this often brings a brand-new perspective, which is necessary in life as we learn and grow.

Often times, we struggle with a problem or task, and the more we fixate on it, the more difficult it becomes. However, when we step away and return to it later, the solution works out much more quickly. We can apply this same logic to many things and situations in life. If we can take a break from it or step away for a bit, even get some much-needed rest and relaxation, we can come back full force, more energized and ready to take on the task or event.

For those of you that personally know me, you know that I am an introvert. So, it honestly takes a lot out of me when I have a busy weekend of doing things. I always feel drained by the end of the event, game or gathering. Anytime I have things planned other than the 'normal' work week, I need extra time to recover and recharge my batteries. And the way I recharge is by spending time by myself or in a quieter and calmer environment, resting and winding down. Weather that means taking a nap or just simply watching a tv show on my couch. It is really important that I have time to recharge, otherwise I am extremely grumpy, and I constantly feel exhausted. I need time away from the busyness and chaos. On top of me being an introvert, I also struggle with anxiety occasionally. So, when I have both of those things going on, I REALLY need to take time away.

It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to take time to recharge. But we also need a good balance in life. We need to prioritize our well-being as well as our mental and physical health. We need to prioritize vacation days, stepping away and breaking the cycle, even if it's for one day every now and then. We need to unplug from those devices that sometimes hold us captive, even when we don't realize it. I find that scrolling on social media or constantly playing games on a phone or device, not only takes up valuable time we could be spending with our loved ones, but it also robs us of our energy and focus, that should be spent on the important things in life. It makes us complacent. And it makes us lazy. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy both of those things, but the key is moderation, as with everything else in life.

So, I encourage you to find ways to unplug, step away and recharge your batteries. You don't have to take expensive vacations; you can take a day trip to an amusement park with the family. Or go on a bike ride with the kids, even have a movie night and just 'Netflix and chill' with those you love. Find simple ways to unplug from your normal routine and get recharged and refilled. Maybe you should turn off the TV and go to bed early. Maybe shut down your phone or computer for a bit and just relax your mind or spend time with your family. 

Often times, we are addicted to our devices or the content on them, and we don't even realize it. Or we do realize it and we are so deep into it that we make no effort to cut loose from it. We can also be addicted to 'being busy', addicted to the constant stimulation, weather in person or on a screen. Addictions are often taking over our lives, and we need to break those chains so we can FINALLY get the true restoration we need, to live our lives to the fullest and recharge our mind, body and soul. After all, you can't pour from an empty cup. Self-care is important and part of self-care is getting the rest you need to be 100%, for yourself and those around you. So, let's unplug and recharge our batteries! I know it's easier said than done, but it's so worth it in the end!

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